WHO@ Newsletter - May 4, 2009
I couldn't make this up if I tried. . .that was one crappy flight
Outhouses cushion small plane crash in Wash state
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090503/ap_ on_fe_st/us_odd_toilets_crash;_ylt=AoBob nEIyeUtlj_Fd4axnhrtiBIF
PUYALLUP, Wash. A small airplane dropping from the sky after its engine failed wound up on a cushioning bunch of portable toilets and the pilot was able to walk away apparently unhurt.
Gary Mayor of the Federal Aviation Administration says the Cessna 182 crashed Friday afternoon in Washington state after taking off from Thun Field, an airfield owned by Pierce County southeast of Tacoma.
Sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer says the plane was about 150 feet in the air when the engine quit.
Troyer told The News Tribune that the pilot tried to turn around to land but didn't quite make it.
The plane hit a fence, flipped over and landed upside down on top of the portable toilets standing in a storage yard.
Authorities didn't immediately give the pilot's identity.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Former faculty member sentenced for 'unauthorized access' to former student's e-mail account - 05/04/09
http://www.stthomas.edu/bulletin/news/2 00919/Monday/publicsafety5_4_09.cfm
Stephan Grzeskowiak, a former assistant professor of marketing at the University of St. Thomas, was sentenced recently in U.S. District Court in Madison, Wis., for illegally using a computer to monitor e-mail activities of a former graduate business student here.
Probation, fine recommended for Lori Drew in cyber-harassment case - 05/04/09
http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/s tories.nsf/laworder/story/06DA20BB7F2338 CB862575AC00091662?OpenDocument
A presentence report recommends probation and a $5,000 fine for Lori Drew on three misdemeanors linked to the online harassment of a teenage neighbor in Dardenne Prairie who committed suicide, court documents show.
Safe "sexting?" No such thing, teens warned - 05/04/09
http://in.reuters.com/article/internetN ews/idINTRE5430V420090504
Teens sending nude or suggestive photos of themselves over their mobile phones are being warned -- "sexting" can damage your future.
Police sometimes find difficulties investigating Internet harassment - 05/04/09
http://www.wsls.com/sls/news/local/arti cle/police_sometimes_find_difficulties_i nvestigating_internet_harassment/34231/
A local woman believes her story illustrates just how frustrating it can sometimes be fighting Internet harassment.
Tina Austin claims someone harassed her by posting information on the popular trading website, craigslist.org, last February.
If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is, even if it is on the internet - 05/03/09
http://business.timesonline.co.uk/tol/b usiness/industry_sectors/article6216304.e ce
A rise in pyramid and Ponzi fraud schemes in Britain and the United States is being spurred by the power of the internet, consumer and business groups fear, with old-fashioned cons repackaged as marketing enterprises backed by advertisements on Google, videos on YouTube and enticing websites. It is, they say, a fraud for the digital age.
Local stalking victim shares ordeal - 05/02/09
http://www.chillicothegazette.com/artic le/20090502/NEWS01/905020307
Stalking is a criminal activity that on both the local and national level has become particularly difficult for both victims and law enforcement to deal with. Just ask area resident Rhonda Hurtt, who never imagined she would be afraid to leave her house or be forced to watch her every move. This week, during National Crime Victims' Right Week, she recalled how she tried to regain control of her life from a crime that often strips that control from a person.
Warning after Botox sold through eBay - 05/01/09
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/health/80853 2/warning-after-botox-sold-through-ebay
The Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australasia (CPSA) says UK-based listings for the injectable anti-wrinkle treatment have been pulled from the global online auction site.
News - Sexting in Saratoga - 05/01/09
http://www.saratoga.com/today/2009/05/n ews---sexting-in-saratoga.html
If you are a parent who is not familiar with the practice of "sexting," then there are some local groups who want to help you understand a devastating decision that could have lifelong consequences on your teen's life.
Stalking could lead to acts of sexual violence - 05/01/09
http://www.dailycardinal.com/article/23 035
“You don’t know me, but I know you.”
Allie, a freshman at UW-Madison, listened to her stalker speak to her for the first time. She was a victim of both phone and cyber stalking by an unknown perpetrator. He began by obsessively calling her and sending 28 friend requests on Facebook under different aliases.
Twitter hacker claims to have accessed celebrity accounts including Ashton Kutcher - 05/01/09
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/scienceandte chnology/technology/twitter/5256956/Twit ter-hacker-claims-to-have-accessed-celeb rity-accounts-including-Ashton-Kutcher.h tml
A French hacker, who goes by the name of “Hacker Croll”, is believed to have hacked into Twitter’s internal system, giving him access to millions of accounts including high profile users such as Lily Allen and Ashton Kutcher.
Cops called over porn site prank - 05/01/09
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ws/article2406850.ece
COPS are investigating after the faces of students and teachers at a school were stuck on porno images on a raunchy website.
An 18-year-old has been arrested in connection with the pics of staff and pupils from Cowes High School on the Isle of Wight.
Bogus Web ad is invitation to steal - 05/01/09
http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/w faa/latestnews/stories/wfaa090501_wz_cra igslisttheft.df487d8.html
Sherry Johnson Huwitt recently woke up to see what looked like robbers in her yard.
"These two guys were loading up my basketball goal," she said. "I went outside and started yelling, 'What are you doing with my things?' And they said, 'It was on craigslist.'"
Students shocked, but not scared after arrests - 04/30/09
Miriam Hauser noticed an increase in police presence at her high school after rumors began to swirl that the school received a threat via e-mail.
Child carer's 'double life as an escort girl' - 04/30/09
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/arti cle-1175040/Child-carers-double-life-esc ort-girl.html
A council child care worker was allegedly leading a double life as an escort girl, a court heard yesterday. Mandy Graham helped look after vulnerable youngsters in the care of social services.
Spammers flood Internet with trick flu emails: security firm - 04/30/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/afp/200 90430/tc_afp/healthfluitinternetlead
Cyber crooks are capitalizing on influenza fears with torrents of email promising "Swine flu" news but delivering malware or dubious offers for potency drugs or penis enlargement.
E-mail threat nets UBC student one-year sentence - 04/29/09
http://vancouver.24hrs.ca/News/200 9/04/29/9285286-sun.html
A former UBC student who shut the school down with two threatening e-mails last year was given a one-year conditional sentence Tuesday.
Headache pills made of rat poison and Viagra made of chalk: We reveal the chilling truth about internet drugs - 04/29/09
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/health/ar ticle-1173735/After-deacons-daughter-kil led-medicine-bought-online--chilling-tru th-internet-black-market-prescription-dr ugs.html
Were there such a thing as a website with a bedside manner, it would surely be www.uk-online-pharmacy.com.
With its crisp design and the photograph of six white-coated pharmacists smiling out at you, there seems little doubt that this is the real thing. Respectable. Dependable. Solid. And it seems so much more efficient than your regular pharmacist.
German war games fan 'killed British student due to obsession with girlfriend' - 04/28/09
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstop ics/politics/lawandorder/5237211/German-w ar-games-fan-killed-British-student-due-t o-obsession-with-girlfriend.html
David Heiss, 21, allegedly travelled from his home in Limburg, Germany, to murder Matthew Pyke after becoming infatuated with Joanna Witton, who ran the site Warcentral with her boyfriend. Nottingham Crown Court heard how Heiss 'lived his life through the internet' and regularly contacted Miss Witton through the website.
Outhouses cushion small plane crash in Wash state
PUYALLUP, Wash. A small airplane dropping from the sky after its engine failed wound up on a cushioning bunch of portable toilets and the pilot was able to walk away apparently unhurt.
Gary Mayor of the Federal Aviation Administration says the Cessna 182 crashed Friday afternoon in Washington state after taking off from Thun Field, an airfield owned by Pierce County southeast of Tacoma.
Sheriff's spokesman Ed Troyer says the plane was about 150 feet in the air when the engine quit.
Troyer told The News Tribune that the pilot tried to turn around to land but didn't quite make it.
The plane hit a fence, flipped over and landed upside down on top of the portable toilets standing in a storage yard.
Authorities didn't immediately give the pilot's identity.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Former faculty member sentenced for 'unauthorized access' to former student's e-mail account - 05/04/09
Stephan Grzeskowiak, a former assistant professor of marketing at the University of St. Thomas, was sentenced recently in U.S. District Court in Madison, Wis., for illegally using a computer to monitor e-mail activities of a former graduate business student here.
Probation, fine recommended for Lori Drew in cyber-harassment case - 05/04/09
A presentence report recommends probation and a $5,000 fine for Lori Drew on three misdemeanors linked to the online harassment of a teenage neighbor in Dardenne Prairie who committed suicide, court documents show.
Safe "sexting?" No such thing, teens warned - 05/04/09
Teens sending nude or suggestive photos of themselves over their mobile phones are being warned -- "sexting" can damage your future.
Police sometimes find difficulties investigating Internet harassment - 05/04/09
A local woman believes her story illustrates just how frustrating it can sometimes be fighting Internet harassment.
Tina Austin claims someone harassed her by posting information on the popular trading website, craigslist.org, last February.
If it looks too good to be true, then it probably is, even if it is on the internet - 05/03/09
A rise in pyramid and Ponzi fraud schemes in Britain and the United States is being spurred by the power of the internet, consumer and business groups fear, with old-fashioned cons repackaged as marketing enterprises backed by advertisements on Google, videos on YouTube and enticing websites. It is, they say, a fraud for the digital age.
Local stalking victim shares ordeal - 05/02/09
Stalking is a criminal activity that on both the local and national level has become particularly difficult for both victims and law enforcement to deal with. Just ask area resident Rhonda Hurtt, who never imagined she would be afraid to leave her house or be forced to watch her every move. This week, during National Crime Victims' Right Week, she recalled how she tried to regain control of her life from a crime that often strips that control from a person.
Warning after Botox sold through eBay - 05/01/09
The Cosmetic Physicians Society of Australasia (CPSA) says UK-based listings for the injectable anti-wrinkle treatment have been pulled from the global online auction site.
News - Sexting in Saratoga - 05/01/09
If you are a parent who is not familiar with the practice of "sexting," then there are some local groups who want to help you understand a devastating decision that could have lifelong consequences on your teen's life.
Stalking could lead to acts of sexual violence - 05/01/09
“You don’t know me, but I know you.”
Allie, a freshman at UW-Madison, listened to her stalker speak to her for the first time. She was a victim of both phone and cyber stalking by an unknown perpetrator. He began by obsessively calling her and sending 28 friend requests on Facebook under different aliases.
Twitter hacker claims to have accessed celebrity accounts including Ashton Kutcher - 05/01/09
A French hacker, who goes by the name of “Hacker Croll”, is believed to have hacked into Twitter’s internal system, giving him access to millions of accounts including high profile users such as Lily Allen and Ashton Kutcher.
Cops called over porn site prank - 05/01/09
COPS are investigating after the faces of students and teachers at a school were stuck on porno images on a raunchy website.
An 18-year-old has been arrested in connection with the pics of staff and pupils from Cowes High School on the Isle of Wight.
Bogus Web ad is invitation to steal - 05/01/09
Sherry Johnson Huwitt recently woke up to see what looked like robbers in her yard.
"These two guys were loading up my basketball goal," she said. "I went outside and started yelling, 'What are you doing with my things?' And they said, 'It was on craigslist.'"
Students shocked, but not scared after arrests - 04/30/09
Miriam Hauser noticed an increase in police presence at her high school after rumors began to swirl that the school received a threat via e-mail.
Child carer's 'double life as an escort girl' - 04/30/09
A council child care worker was allegedly leading a double life as an escort girl, a court heard yesterday. Mandy Graham helped look after vulnerable youngsters in the care of social services.
Spammers flood Internet with trick flu emails: security firm - 04/30/09
Cyber crooks are capitalizing on influenza fears with torrents of email promising "Swine flu" news but delivering malware or dubious offers for potency drugs or penis enlargement.
E-mail threat nets UBC student one-year sentence - 04/29/09
A former UBC student who shut the school down with two threatening e-mails last year was given a one-year conditional sentence Tuesday.
Headache pills made of rat poison and Viagra made of chalk: We reveal the chilling truth about internet drugs - 04/29/09
Were there such a thing as a website with a bedside manner, it would surely be www.uk-online-pharmacy.com.
With its crisp design and the photograph of six white-coated pharmacists smiling out at you, there seems little doubt that this is the real thing. Respectable. Dependable. Solid. And it seems so much more efficient than your regular pharmacist.
German war games fan 'killed British student due to obsession with girlfriend' - 04/28/09
David Heiss, 21, allegedly travelled from his home in Limburg, Germany, to murder Matthew Pyke after becoming infatuated with Joanna Witton, who ran the site Warcentral with her boyfriend. Nottingham Crown Court heard how Heiss 'lived his life through the internet' and regularly contacted Miss Witton through the website.