WHO@ Newsletter - May 11, 2009
I couldn't make this up if I tried. . .Stupid Criminals 101
Oops, wrong address: Stolen phones sent to FBI
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090509/ap_ on_fe_st/us_odd_wrong_address;_ylt=ApsAc pQOxI87FVWbbCxJd.btiBIF
MONROE, La. – If you're going to buy something with a forged cashier's check, don't misspell "cashier's" or use an FBI office as your shipping address.
Police in Monroe, La., say they arrested a 44-year-old man from Memphis, Tenn., after he did both. He was held Friday on two counts of forgery and as a fugitive from justice in Georgia, where he is accused of a similar scheme.
The FBI called police Thursday after a Minnesota cell phone distributor called the bureau.
The company had sent 50 phones to the address for the FBI office Monroe, only to discover its $2,359.45 payment was a "cahier's check".
FBI agents saw the suspect wave down a delivery truck driver outside the bureau later Thursday, stopped the transaction and waited for police.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Cell-phone stalking is targeted in Nevada - 05/10/09
http://www.timesdispatch.com/rtd/news/n ational/article/TEXT10_20090509-214208/2 66832/
During court-mandated private therapy sessions, teenage victims of domestic violence sit across from social worker Lora Watkins with cell phones in their hands -- still sending dozens of text messages to their abusers.
Toll taker suspended in probe of threats - 05/09/09
http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/s tory/666083.html
The effort started out as a plan, albeit an unusual one, for David Zelonis to save his state job. Turns out that effort could end up costing him his career.
Zelonis, a Grand Island toll collector, was suspended from his job without pay Friday while agency officials prepare to terminate him for allegedly sending intimidating e-mail threats against an anti-toll activist.
TTC chair apologizes after e-mail threat to neighbouring councillor - 05/09/09
http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blog s/toronto/archive/2009/05/09/ttc-chair-a pologizes-after-e-mail-threat-to-neighbo uring-councillor.aspx
Burned by his Blackberry addiction, TTC chairman Adam Giambrone has been forced to apologize for a nasty e-mail threatening to “cause trouble” for a fellow city councillor.
Turning up heat on web harassment - 05/08/09
http://www.smh.com.au/news/technology/t urning-up-heat-on-web-harassment/2009/05/0 7/1241289315391.html
BACKYARD bullies have moved into cyberspace with such speed and aggression that police, governments and lawyers are testing new ways of slowing their spread.
Bill Would Turn Internet Flamers Into Felons - 05/08/09
http://www.cio.com/article/492242/Bill_ Would_Turn_Internet_Flamers_Into_Felons
A little-noticed bill re-introduced in Congress last month would make the use of popular electronic communications a felony if "the intent is to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person."
Harassment charge filed against former Washimgton Township official - 05/08/09
http://www.recordernewspapers.com/artic les/2009/05/09/observer-tribune/news/doc 4a00a1393410b528519308.txt
Thomas Lotito says former Township Committeeman Kevin Nedd's comments about him have crossed the line into a crime.
Nedd said the words he uses are colorful but that they are protected by the First Amendment, that he has no regrets and that Lotito's response is all about politics.
Punishment for posting fight video harsh, father says - 05/08/09
http://www.herald-mail.com/?cmd=display story&story_id=222613&format=html
Chris Dye doesn’t believe his daughter deserved to be suspended from Musselman Middle School this week for posting video footage of a campus fight on YouTube.
Two charged over Internet postings - 05/08/09
http://www.watertowndailytimes.com/arti cle/20090508/NEWS03/305089946
In more fallout from a long-running dispute on the Jefferson County Web Board, two Watertown men were charged with harassment and stalking Thursday for allegedly posting negative comments about a South Colton man on the Internet.
Woman charged in Craigslist harassment case - 05/08/09
http://www.newsday.com/services/newspap er/printedition/saturday/news/ny-licraig 0912746453may08,0,511366.story
Suffolk police have arrested a Hauppauge woman they say harassed her neighbor and possibly the neighbor's 9-year-old daughter by posting a sexually suggestive ad on Craigslist and directing nearly two dozen calls from men seeking sex to the neighbor's home phone number.
BU Student Facing Stalking & Harassment Charges - 05/08/09
http://www.bloomutoday.com/default.a sp?sourceid=&smenu=1&twindow=&mad=&sdetail=851&wpage=1&skeyword=&sidate=&ccat=&ccatm=&restate=&restatus=&reoption=&retype=&repmin=&repmax=&rebed=&rebath=&subname=&pform=&sc=2533&hn=bloomutoday&he=.com
On Friday May 1st Bloomsburg Police were dispatched to a residence on Glen Avenue for a report of harassment. The caller told dispatchers that the harassment was an ongoing. The victim a BU Coed advised Columbia County 911 that an individual was approaching her door. The victim then stated that the suspect left in a pick-up truck.
The secret discovered when computer was sent for repair - 05/08/09
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/u k/crime/article6245300.ece
It might have been just another day for Richard Harper, a young IT engineer, as he sat down to mend a computer in his workshop in Reading. As he ran tests he came across a folder marked “young boys” on a hard drive slotted into the back of the machine. He clicked on an icon. What he found stopped him in his tracks: a shocking image of a child. Appalled, he called his manager.
Social sites and the danger surrounding them - 05/08/09
http://media.www.tnhonline.com/media/st orage/paper674/news/2009/05/08/News/Soci al.Sites.And.The.Danger.Surrounding.Them-3 738794.shtml
Facebook. Twitter. MySpace. An e-mail account. Most, if not all of us use at least one of these forms of communication. They are great for keeping up with friends and sharing information, but they are also an easy way of becoming a target for a cyber-stalker.
Court reinstates Yahoo lawsuit over fake profiles - 05/08/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/nm/2009 0509/wr_nm/us_yahoo
A U.S. appeals court on Friday reinstated a breach of contract claim against Yahoo Inc by an Oregon woman who said the company failed to remove nude photos and fake profiles posted by her estranged boyfriend after promising to do so.
Man pleads guilty to email threat against Obama - 05/07/09
http://www.google.com/hostednews/canadi anpress/article/ALeqM5j8vTFq4NsYZbzBy6E-8 UBsUvV4cw
A Texas man has pleaded guilty to threatening to kill U.S. President Barack Obama and blow up the Mall of America in Minneapolis.
Virtual Stalking Ruins The Fun Of Social Media - 05/07/09
http://www.webpronews.com/blogtalk/2 009/05/07/virtual-stalking-ruins-the-fun-o f-social-media
Social media is great. Social media brings people together. Social media opens the conversation. Social media puts you in the eyes of the world. Social media gives you a voice.
Facebook's Censorship of E-Mail Puts it in Free Speech Hot Seat - 05/07/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/2009 0507/tc_pcworld/facebookscensorshipofema ilputsitinfreespeechhotseat
Facebook is actively filtering out Pirate Bay content from its Web site banning a Pirate Bay link-posting application that allows you to easily share torrent files from the Pirate Bay's site with Facebook members.
Facebook users duped into revealing personal details - 05/07/09
http://www.securecomputing.net.au/N ews/144357,facebook-users-duped-into-rev ealing-personal-details.aspx
Users of popular social networking sites have been tricked into divulging personal information, according to the Q1 2009 email threat report from Cyberoam.
Phished Facebook Accounts Become Spammer's Tool - 05/07/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/2009 0507/tc_pcworld/phishedfacebookaccountsb ecomespammerstool
Cybercriminals who went after Facebook users with a number of phishing attacks last week have now turned around and begun sending spam messages from the Facebook accounts they cracked.
Online safety: how to deal with Internet trolls? - 05/06/09
http://www.ecommerce-journal.com/articl es/15195_online_safety_how_to_deal_with_ internet_trolls
How to call a person who provokes and pulling people into flaming discussion, spins conflicting information, argues repeatedly, asks questions in an insincere manner, insults and harasses online community members and ignores warnings from moderators? There's a name for this kind of person: Internet troll.
Prosecutors seek three-year prison term in Missouri cyber-bullying case - 05/06/09
http://sundaygazettemail.com/News/20090 5060963
Federal prosecutors are asking a federal judge to send Lori Drew to prison for three years for her role in the online harassment of a teenage girl in Dardenne Prairie, Mo., who killed herself.
Free speech on Facebook doesn’t always come easy - 05/06/09
http://www.mndaily.com/2009/05/06/f ree-speech-facebook-doesn%E2%80%99t-alwa ys-come-easy
Several universities across the country have violated student’s first amendment rights on the site.
Student's Wikipedia hoax quote used worldwide in newspaper obituaries - 05/06/09
http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/ire land/2009/0506/1224245992919.html
A WIKIPEDIA hoax by a 22-year-old Dublin student resulted in a fake quote being published in newspaper obituaries around the world.
The quote was attributed to French composer Maurice Jarre who died at the end of March.
Use the Internet, Lose your Privacy - 05/05/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/2009 0505/tc_pcworld/usetheinternetloseyourpr ivacy
Bruce Schneier, author and computer security expert, wrote a good reality-check essay on the subject of online privacy, or the lack thereof.
In it, he points out how using Webmail or an online document service like Google Docs not only allows for more easily snagging your information, but also severely waters down legal privacy protections.
Federal cyber bully bill gets new life - 05/05/09
http://www.stltoday.com/stltoday/news/s tories.nsf/politics/story/425DD44B55A675 A1862575AD00019F47?OpenDocument
The 2006 suicide of Megan Meier, which came after the girl was harassed online, spurred a flurry of new state laws aimed at cracking down on "cyber-bullying."
Oops, wrong address: Stolen phones sent to FBI
MONROE, La. – If you're going to buy something with a forged cashier's check, don't misspell "cashier's" or use an FBI office as your shipping address.
Police in Monroe, La., say they arrested a 44-year-old man from Memphis, Tenn., after he did both. He was held Friday on two counts of forgery and as a fugitive from justice in Georgia, where he is accused of a similar scheme.
The FBI called police Thursday after a Minnesota cell phone distributor called the bureau.
The company had sent 50 phones to the address for the FBI office Monroe, only to discover its $2,359.45 payment was a "cahier's check".
FBI agents saw the suspect wave down a delivery truck driver outside the bureau later Thursday, stopped the transaction and waited for police.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Cell-phone stalking is targeted in Nevada - 05/10/09
During court-mandated private therapy sessions, teenage victims of domestic violence sit across from social worker Lora Watkins with cell phones in their hands -- still sending dozens of text messages to their abusers.
Toll taker suspended in probe of threats - 05/09/09
The effort started out as a plan, albeit an unusual one, for David Zelonis to save his state job. Turns out that effort could end up costing him his career.
Zelonis, a Grand Island toll collector, was suspended from his job without pay Friday while agency officials prepare to terminate him for allegedly sending intimidating e-mail threats against an anti-toll activist.
TTC chair apologizes after e-mail threat to neighbouring councillor - 05/09/09
Burned by his Blackberry addiction, TTC chairman Adam Giambrone has been forced to apologize for a nasty e-mail threatening to “cause trouble” for a fellow city councillor.
Turning up heat on web harassment - 05/08/09
BACKYARD bullies have moved into cyberspace with such speed and aggression that police, governments and lawyers are testing new ways of slowing their spread.
Bill Would Turn Internet Flamers Into Felons - 05/08/09
A little-noticed bill re-introduced in Congress last month would make the use of popular electronic communications a felony if "the intent is to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person."
Harassment charge filed against former Washimgton Township official - 05/08/09
Thomas Lotito says former Township Committeeman Kevin Nedd's comments about him have crossed the line into a crime.
Nedd said the words he uses are colorful but that they are protected by the First Amendment, that he has no regrets and that Lotito's response is all about politics.
Punishment for posting fight video harsh, father says - 05/08/09
Chris Dye doesn’t believe his daughter deserved to be suspended from Musselman Middle School this week for posting video footage of a campus fight on YouTube.
Two charged over Internet postings - 05/08/09
In more fallout from a long-running dispute on the Jefferson County Web Board, two Watertown men were charged with harassment and stalking Thursday for allegedly posting negative comments about a South Colton man on the Internet.
Woman charged in Craigslist harassment case - 05/08/09
Suffolk police have arrested a Hauppauge woman they say harassed her neighbor and possibly the neighbor's 9-year-old daughter by posting a sexually suggestive ad on Craigslist and directing nearly two dozen calls from men seeking sex to the neighbor's home phone number.
BU Student Facing Stalking & Harassment Charges - 05/08/09
On Friday May 1st Bloomsburg Police were dispatched to a residence on Glen Avenue for a report of harassment. The caller told dispatchers that the harassment was an ongoing. The victim a BU Coed advised Columbia County 911 that an individual was approaching her door. The victim then stated that the suspect left in a pick-up truck.
The secret discovered when computer was sent for repair - 05/08/09
It might have been just another day for Richard Harper, a young IT engineer, as he sat down to mend a computer in his workshop in Reading. As he ran tests he came across a folder marked “young boys” on a hard drive slotted into the back of the machine. He clicked on an icon. What he found stopped him in his tracks: a shocking image of a child. Appalled, he called his manager.
Social sites and the danger surrounding them - 05/08/09
Facebook. Twitter. MySpace. An e-mail account. Most, if not all of us use at least one of these forms of communication. They are great for keeping up with friends and sharing information, but they are also an easy way of becoming a target for a cyber-stalker.
Court reinstates Yahoo lawsuit over fake profiles - 05/08/09
A U.S. appeals court on Friday reinstated a breach of contract claim against Yahoo Inc by an Oregon woman who said the company failed to remove nude photos and fake profiles posted by her estranged boyfriend after promising to do so.
Man pleads guilty to email threat against Obama - 05/07/09
A Texas man has pleaded guilty to threatening to kill U.S. President Barack Obama and blow up the Mall of America in Minneapolis.
Virtual Stalking Ruins The Fun Of Social Media - 05/07/09
Social media is great. Social media brings people together. Social media opens the conversation. Social media puts you in the eyes of the world. Social media gives you a voice.
Facebook's Censorship of E-Mail Puts it in Free Speech Hot Seat - 05/07/09
Facebook is actively filtering out Pirate Bay content from its Web site banning a Pirate Bay link-posting application that allows you to easily share torrent files from the Pirate Bay's site with Facebook members.
Facebook users duped into revealing personal details - 05/07/09
Users of popular social networking sites have been tricked into divulging personal information, according to the Q1 2009 email threat report from Cyberoam.
Phished Facebook Accounts Become Spammer's Tool - 05/07/09
Cybercriminals who went after Facebook users with a number of phishing attacks last week have now turned around and begun sending spam messages from the Facebook accounts they cracked.
Online safety: how to deal with Internet trolls? - 05/06/09
How to call a person who provokes and pulling people into flaming discussion, spins conflicting information, argues repeatedly, asks questions in an insincere manner, insults and harasses online community members and ignores warnings from moderators? There's a name for this kind of person: Internet troll.
Prosecutors seek three-year prison term in Missouri cyber-bullying case - 05/06/09
Federal prosecutors are asking a federal judge to send Lori Drew to prison for three years for her role in the online harassment of a teenage girl in Dardenne Prairie, Mo., who killed herself.
Free speech on Facebook doesn’t always come easy - 05/06/09
Several universities across the country have violated student’s first amendment rights on the site.
Student's Wikipedia hoax quote used worldwide in newspaper obituaries - 05/06/09
A WIKIPEDIA hoax by a 22-year-old Dublin student resulted in a fake quote being published in newspaper obituaries around the world.
The quote was attributed to French composer Maurice Jarre who died at the end of March.
Use the Internet, Lose your Privacy - 05/05/09
Bruce Schneier, author and computer security expert, wrote a good reality-check essay on the subject of online privacy, or the lack thereof.
In it, he points out how using Webmail or an online document service like Google Docs not only allows for more easily snagging your information, but also severely waters down legal privacy protections.
Federal cyber bully bill gets new life - 05/05/09
The 2006 suicide of Megan Meier, which came after the girl was harassed online, spurred a flurry of new state laws aimed at cracking down on "cyber-bullying."