Hazen Library, Chippy's Stash, Bandit's B-Day

Yesterday morning I drove to Manchester, NH to film a segment about online dating for Good Morning, America Weekend at WMUR-TV. I met one of the producers, who filmed the segment and he asked for my book and said he helped with other major news networks, such as Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc. I mentioned my Fox Maine News gig and he was excited.

Let's see if this works. I've mentioned before how the president of another online safety organization has basically blacklisted me in major TV news. I wonder if this producer will hit a roadblock. Cross your fingers that people will finally wake up and realize she is nothing but a jealous witch with a capital "B" and I am good at what I do. And I do not have a big head. Really.

Got home, had lunch, did some work online, then had to get ready to go to the Hazen Memorial Library in Shirley, Massachusetts for another panel and book signing.

I took Bandit and Guin with me and it was nice and cool for them to stay in the car. I got there early, set up and waited for Margaret Press and Kate Flora, my "Sisters in Crime" (we're members of this organization).

We had a good crowd and I had someone take photos:

Maragaret and me waiting for Kate and debating on pretending to be her, since she is the most famous of the three of us (her latest book, Finding Amy, was nominated for an Edgar Award)

Margaret going "Get me out of here, please!" (ha ha)

"The Last Supper" Sisters in Crime style

It was this big, I swear!

We got a lot of wonderful questions from the audience and I sold some books and got great desserts to take home. The dogs were good, as usual.

Chippy has been stashing sunflower seeds in my veggie garden. I suddenly saw sunflowers popping up in between the tomator plants and didn't remember planting them. So I noticed that there was a hole and lo and behold, seeds! So I put a bunch in a new hole, got up this morning and they were gone. But new sunflowers had popped up elsewhere in the garden. I have to have a talk with that Chippy! He's been playing hide and seek with me when I'm outside. I go out, he races from one end of the yard to the other, waits and looks at me. I'll walk slowly over, he does his cute little sitting up and rubbing his paws together, then takes off to the other side. I realized it was a game with him the fourth time I followed him to the other side of the yard.

He also is not afraid of Bandit. I think he thinks Bandit is a giant chipmunk (all hail Bandit, king of the chipmunks). I'll open up the door for Bandit and he toddles out, oblivious Chippy is there (because he's blind - Bandit, not Chippy). Chippy will sit on his haunches and watch Bandit, and has even let Bandit get really close to him. It's pretty funny. If I can remember, I'll bring the camera with me downstairs and take a photo.

Speaking of Bandit - he turns 15 today! I sang the Happy Birthday song to him this morning and I swear he knows it's his birthday. He hasn't let me alone all morning. He is the most intelligent dog I have ever had. I told him he and Guin get hamburgers in the shape of dog bones and cupcakes tonight for dinner. He yodeled when I said that. He's a nut.

For an old dog, he does pretty darned good. He's sleeping more, but he walks around and finds his way to me, to the bathroom (he loves the rug in there to lay on), to his dish in the kitchen, and when I open the door to the deck, he'll head for that and go outside to sniff around.

I still haven't gotten photos of the "black sheep" squirrel, but will soon.


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