True Crime Online Newsletter - April 28, 2014
I couldn't make this up if I tried. . .The legend is true: E.T. Atari games unearthed in NM landfill 7/The-legend-is-true-ET-Atari-games-unea rthed-in-NM-landfill/3661398606836/#ixzz 30CHDikbM
Documentary filmmakers on Saturday finally proved the urban legend true game maker Atari dumped truckloads of failed E.T. video game cartridges in a landfill in the New Mexico desert. The haul was discovered Saturday near Alamogordo, N.M., as part of an effort by the documentarians to find truckloads of copies of the game so bad Atari had to dump its inventory in the trash. The game was created shortly after the release of Steven Spielberg's science-fiction hit, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial in 1983. The game was expected to sell many millions of copies, but only sold about 1.5 million. Since then, an urban legend on par with Big Foot and the chupacabra has popped up, saying somewhere out there in the New Mexico desert lies all those unsold copies of the Atari 2600 game. Saturday, filmmakers discovered the legend is true. "We found something," one of the workers announced to a gathered crowd at the site. "We found an intact E.T., the video game."
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Visit WHOA on the web at
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Viral video appears to show Florida father kicking son off ramp at skate park - 04/28/14 8/Viral-video-appears-to-show-Florida-fa ther-kicking-son-off-ramp-at-skate-park/2 451398694395/#ixzz30CGzve8t
A video shot at a Florida skate park that appears to show a father kicking his son off of a large ramp has prompted a Department of Children and Families investigation. The video, which was uploaded to Instagram by user lilbubs, shows Marcus Crossland appearing to kick his 6-year-old son down a ramp at Kona Skate Park in the Arlington neighborhood of Jacksonville, Fla.
Man Arrested for Cyberstalking and Home Invasion - 04/27/14 n-rouge-crime-news/man-arrested-for-cybe rstalking-and-home-invasion/
The East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office has arrested Patrick Allen Jackson, 23, 3940 Ridgement Dr., on charges of Home Invasion and Cyberstalking. According to a report, Jackson broke into the home of his ex girlfriend and beat her Friday night. He is also accused of sending text messages to the victim threatening to kill her.
Police hunt serial internet predator who harassed Firebirds netballer Romelda Aiken - 04/27/14 and/police-hunt-serial-internet-predator-w ho-harassed-firebirds-netballer-romelda-a iken/story-fnii5v6w-1226896966437
POLICE are on the trail of a serial internet predator who befriends women before posting naked photos of them on the internet. Detectives are continuing to gather evidence they hope will lead them to a man who has targeted women for up to six years using a stolen identity.
'Wake up baby!' The chilling words U.S. couple heard in the middle of the night from a man who had hacked their daughter's baby monitor and was WATCHING her sleep - 04/27/14 icle-2614462/Wake-baby-The-chilling-word s-couple-heard-middle-night-man-hacked-d aughters-baby-monitor-WATCHING-sleep.htm l#ixzz30C2XOgFy
An Ohio couple awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of a man screaming 'wake up baby!', quickly realizing a hacker had hijacked the wirless baby monitor in their daughter's room and was watching the little girl sleep. Heather and Adam Schreck say they feel 'violated' after the midnight encounter, only worsened by the fact they have no way of working out who the online intruder was.
Doctor faces ban for stalking ex-lover online - 04/25/14 tor-faces-ban-for-stalking-ex-lover-onli ne-1-3388762
A family doctor from Scotland who stalked his former lover online after the breakdown of their 12-year relationship is facing a ban from the profession. Dr Barry Rodgers, 53, spied on his ex-partner following their break-up in March 2011, keeping a record of almost all her internet activity.
IT HAPPENED TO ME: I'm Being Stalked And Terrorized Because Of My Fat Acceptance Movie - 04/25/14 o-me/lindsey-averill-fat-acceptance-deat h-threats
There are times in your life when you foresee the ugliness that’s headed your way, so you muster your courage, batten down the hatches and prepare for the storm. Then there are other times when you should have known, when you should have seen the monsters on the horizon, but instead you skipped happily into quicksand, without the slightest inkling that something could go horribly wrong.
Great Neck Nude Photo Extortionist’s Victims Describe Relentless Stalking - 04/25/14 4/04/25/great-neck-nude-photo-extortioni sts-victims-describe-relentless-stalking/
Some victims of a Republican presidential campaigner from Long Island who tried extorting nude photos from 15 women fled the country, sought therapy and hired private investigators to deal with the stalking. Those were among new details described in court documents when U.S. District Judge Marianna Battani this week sentenced 22-year-old Adam Savader of Great Neck to 2 ½ years in federal prison despite his attorneys’ blaming the hacking on mental health issues sparked by working on Newt Gingrich’s failed presidential campaign.
Death threat emailed to Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis - 04/25/14 0425/News/140429280#ixzz30CBhO0uJ
Mayor Jim Ardis received an emailed death threat Friday. The threat also targeted Ardis’ wife and family, according to a copy the mayor emailed to the Journal Star. Ardis sent the email about five minutes after he received it from a city staff member. The city received it about noon, apparently through its website.
Author of threatening email could face federal charges - 04/25/14 ert-author-of-threatening-email-could-fa ce-federal-charges-256772011.html
Jeffrey Addicott, a terrorism expert at St. Mary's University, told KENS 5, the person or persons responsible for the threatening email sent last week, could face state, if not federal, terrorism charges. The emails contained an unspecified threat that set off a frenzy of concern from parents and students alike.
Shocking moment pregnant woman was shot in the belly over Facebook post – killing her unborn baby - 04/25/14 ticle-2612753/Shocking-moment-pregnant-w oman-shot-belly-facebook-post-killing-un born-baby.html#ixzz30C2AOrls
A pregnant Florida woman has lost her baby after she was shot in the stomach earlier this week, allegedly by a woman with whom she'd been feuding on Facebook. Police were called the scene - in the 9100 block of Castle Boulevard in Jacksonville - about noon Wednesday after there was a report of an argument and a shooting.
Murfreesboro Police Search For Cyber-Stalker Terrorizing Family - 04/24/14 086/murfreesboro-police-search-for-cyber-s talker-terrorizing-family
Officials with the Murfreesboro Police Department are investigating a case of a cyber-stalker terrorizing a local family. "I can reach out to you anytime I want to and it will be my pleasure:" That's one of the tamer text messages sent to a Murfreesboro woman, by someone she did not know.
Edmonton woman charged with a hoax regarding terrorist activity after Canadian Forces received threat - 04/23/14 dmonton-woman-charged-with-a-hoax-regard ing-terrorist-activity-after-canadian-fo rces-received-threat
An Edmonton woman is charged with a terrorism hoax. Canadian Forces in Toronto got an e-mail threat stating an Edmonton man was going to commit an act of terror on April 17. The Alberta RCMP Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) followed up and found it was nothing but a hoax.
Documentary filmmakers on Saturday finally proved the urban legend true game maker Atari dumped truckloads of failed E.T. video game cartridges in a landfill in the New Mexico desert. The haul was discovered Saturday near Alamogordo, N.M., as part of an effort by the documentarians to find truckloads of copies of the game so bad Atari had to dump its inventory in the trash. The game was created shortly after the release of Steven Spielberg's science-fiction hit, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial in 1983. The game was expected to sell many millions of copies, but only sold about 1.5 million. Since then, an urban legend on par with Big Foot and the chupacabra has popped up, saying somewhere out there in the New Mexico desert lies all those unsold copies of the Atari 2600 game. Saturday, filmmakers discovered the legend is true. "We found something," one of the workers announced to a gathered crowd at the site. "We found an intact E.T., the video game."
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Visit WHOA on the web at
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Viral video appears to show Florida father kicking son off ramp at skate park - 04/28/14
A video shot at a Florida skate park that appears to show a father kicking his son off of a large ramp has prompted a Department of Children and Families investigation. The video, which was uploaded to Instagram by user lilbubs, shows Marcus Crossland appearing to kick his 6-year-old son down a ramp at Kona Skate Park in the Arlington neighborhood of Jacksonville, Fla.
Man Arrested for Cyberstalking and Home Invasion - 04/27/14
The East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office has arrested Patrick Allen Jackson, 23, 3940 Ridgement Dr., on charges of Home Invasion and Cyberstalking. According to a report, Jackson broke into the home of his ex girlfriend and beat her Friday night. He is also accused of sending text messages to the victim threatening to kill her.
Police hunt serial internet predator who harassed Firebirds netballer Romelda Aiken - 04/27/14
POLICE are on the trail of a serial internet predator who befriends women before posting naked photos of them on the internet. Detectives are continuing to gather evidence they hope will lead them to a man who has targeted women for up to six years using a stolen identity.
'Wake up baby!' The chilling words U.S. couple heard in the middle of the night from a man who had hacked their daughter's baby monitor and was WATCHING her sleep - 04/27/14
An Ohio couple awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of a man screaming 'wake up baby!', quickly realizing a hacker had hijacked the wirless baby monitor in their daughter's room and was watching the little girl sleep. Heather and Adam Schreck say they feel 'violated' after the midnight encounter, only worsened by the fact they have no way of working out who the online intruder was.
Doctor faces ban for stalking ex-lover online - 04/25/14
A family doctor from Scotland who stalked his former lover online after the breakdown of their 12-year relationship is facing a ban from the profession. Dr Barry Rodgers, 53, spied on his ex-partner following their break-up in March 2011, keeping a record of almost all her internet activity.
IT HAPPENED TO ME: I'm Being Stalked And Terrorized Because Of My Fat Acceptance Movie - 04/25/14
There are times in your life when you foresee the ugliness that’s headed your way, so you muster your courage, batten down the hatches and prepare for the storm. Then there are other times when you should have known, when you should have seen the monsters on the horizon, but instead you skipped happily into quicksand, without the slightest inkling that something could go horribly wrong.
Great Neck Nude Photo Extortionist’s Victims Describe Relentless Stalking - 04/25/14
Some victims of a Republican presidential campaigner from Long Island who tried extorting nude photos from 15 women fled the country, sought therapy and hired private investigators to deal with the stalking. Those were among new details described in court documents when U.S. District Judge Marianna Battani this week sentenced 22-year-old Adam Savader of Great Neck to 2 ½ years in federal prison despite his attorneys’ blaming the hacking on mental health issues sparked by working on Newt Gingrich’s failed presidential campaign.
Death threat emailed to Peoria Mayor Jim Ardis - 04/25/14
Mayor Jim Ardis received an emailed death threat Friday. The threat also targeted Ardis’ wife and family, according to a copy the mayor emailed to the Journal Star. Ardis sent the email about five minutes after he received it from a city staff member. The city received it about noon, apparently through its website.
Author of threatening email could face federal charges - 04/25/14
Jeffrey Addicott, a terrorism expert at St. Mary's University, told KENS 5, the person or persons responsible for the threatening email sent last week, could face state, if not federal, terrorism charges. The emails contained an unspecified threat that set off a frenzy of concern from parents and students alike.
Shocking moment pregnant woman was shot in the belly over Facebook post – killing her unborn baby - 04/25/14
A pregnant Florida woman has lost her baby after she was shot in the stomach earlier this week, allegedly by a woman with whom she'd been feuding on Facebook. Police were called the scene - in the 9100 block of Castle Boulevard in Jacksonville - about noon Wednesday after there was a report of an argument and a shooting.
Murfreesboro Police Search For Cyber-Stalker Terrorizing Family - 04/24/14
Officials with the Murfreesboro Police Department are investigating a case of a cyber-stalker terrorizing a local family. "I can reach out to you anytime I want to and it will be my pleasure:" That's one of the tamer text messages sent to a Murfreesboro woman, by someone she did not know.
Edmonton woman charged with a hoax regarding terrorist activity after Canadian Forces received threat - 04/23/14
An Edmonton woman is charged with a terrorism hoax. Canadian Forces in Toronto got an e-mail threat stating an Edmonton man was going to commit an act of terror on April 17. The Alberta RCMP Integrated National Security Enforcement Team (INSET) followed up and found it was nothing but a hoax.