WHO@ Newsletter - July 23, 2012
I couldn't make this up if I tried. . .British police affix cameras to dogs
http://www.upi.com/Odd_News/2012/07/1 9/British-police-affix-cameras-to-dogs/U PI-54921342727922/
Police in Staffordshire, England, said they will strap cameras to the heads of police dogs to help gather evidence during busts.
Staffordshire police said 20 police canines with their dog support unit will be outfitted with FidoCam technology during the next 12 months to give officers a dog's-eye-view in situations including drug busts and foot chases, The Daily Telegraph reported Thursday.
"This bit of kit is fantastic -- it attaches to the dog's head and we can get a live view of what they are seeing," Inspector Chris Dawson said.
"There are many situations when this technology will be beneficial to our officers. If we are searching for a dangerous person we can send the dog into a building with the camera to search for them and then when they indicate a find by barking, we will be able to see exactly what or who they have found.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Police call in FBI to track 'hitman scam' - 07/23/12
http://news.ninemsn.com.au/national/850 3567/email-threats-just-a-scam-police-sa y
Australian police are calling in the FBI to track down the "hitman" scammers responsible for sending thousands of text messages containing death threats.
Spat out of hell: Rock star Meat Loaf sues pub tribute singer for £64,000 damages in a row over his website - 07/23/12
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art icle-2175267/Rock-star-Meat-Loaf-sues-pu b-tribute-singer-65-000-damages-row-webs ite.html#ixzz21RmZjPlr
A pub tribute singer is being sued by the Bat Out of Hell star Meat Loaf for £64,000 claiming he's an 'online imposter'. Dean Torkington, 50, from Burnley, Lancashire, has received a $100,000 writ (£64,000) from the US rocker, which accuses him of being a 'cybersquatter and online imposter'. The legal action, launched in Los Angeles, California, centres on Mr Torkington’s website www.meatloaf.org.
Nurse faces sack for Facebook hospital protest - 07/22/12
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/healt hnews/9418678/Nurse-faces-sack-for-Faceb ook-hospital-protest.html
Bernadette Green, who has worked at Biggleswade Hospital in Bedfordshire for 12 years, used the social networking site to claim managers were not being completely honest about the plans, and were stopping new patients from being admitted despite there being empty beds.
Kentucky teen faces charge for naming attackers - 07/21/12
http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/storie s/U/US_TWITTER_TEEN_ASSAULTED?SITE=FLPET&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-07-21-15-11-47
A 17-year-old Kentucky girl who was upset by the plea deal reached by a pair of teenagers who sexually assaulted her is now facing a contempt charge for tweeting their names in violation of a court order.
BCSO Pulls the Plug on Cyber Bullying - 07/20/12
http://www.wmbb.com/story/19077791/b cso-pulls-the-plug-on-cyber-bullying
Cyber bullying is at the center of conversation in our community this week after four teens are charged in connection with a Facebook Page. Experts say cyber bullying will have lasting impact, especially among teens, as online and social media bullying opens the conversation not only to peers, but to the whole world.
Right or Wrong? Cyber-bullying - 07/20/12
http://www.baptiststandard.com/index.ph p?option=com_content&task=view&id=14058&Itemid=9
A friend of mine has been receiving emails from her pastor, and I think he's a cyber-bully. What legal guidelines define cyber-bullying, even if a minister does the emailing?
Man Accused of Threatening to Kill Danny, Colleen Wegman - 07/19/12
http://www.wgrz.com/news/article/17 5189/37/Man-Accused-of-Threatening-to-Ki ll-Danny-Colleen-Wegman
A federal grand jury has indicted a New Jersey man who allegedly threatened to kill Wegmans Food Markets President Colleen Wegman and Chief Executive Officer Danny Wegman.
Federal authorities allege that Hans Ni, 31, of Trenton, NJ, sent email threats to the Wegmans from a New Jersey library. He is charged with transmitting interstate threats.
Maine Man Charged with Sextortion - 07/19/12
http://www.mpbn.net/Home/tabid/36/ctl/V iewItem/mid/3478/ItemId/22833/Default.as px
The complaint accuses John Bryan Villegas, 21, of Kittery, of sending email threats to publish on the Internet and distribute to the victim's neighbors, work and acquaintances.
'Don't mess with our food': Burger King worker who posted pictures of himself standing in bins of lettuce hunted down by vigilante website users and fired - 07/19/12
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar ticle-2175053/Burger-King-worker-posted-p ictures-standing-bins-lettuce-fired.html#i xzz21RliS7V1
We're used to hearing stories of how fast news can travel on the internet. But rarely do we see how effective it can be at tracking down suspects who would otherwise remain anonymous. When a Burger King employee posted pictures of himself stepping in bins of lettuce, offended fast-food lovers took a mere 15 minutes to expose him.
Newest U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy: Trolling - 07/18/12
http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/20 12/07/counterterrorism-trolls/?utm_sourc e=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+wired/index+%28Wired: +Top+Stories%29&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher
In the decade since 9/11, the U.S. government has used a wide variety of tactics against terrorists. It’s invaded countries where they operated (and ones where they didn’t). It’s tried to win the backing of foreign populations in which the terrorists hide. And it’s sent commandos and deadly flying robots to kill them one by one.
Eight-months pregnant childhood sweetheart of Aston Villa star Agbonlahor 'harassed' mother of one of his children on Facebook - 07/18/12
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/ar ticle-2175243/Gabriel-Agbonlahor-Pregnan t-childhood-sweetheart-Aston-Villa-footb aller-harassed-sons-mother.html#ixzz21Rm ng9Wk
A pregnant ex-girlfriend of Aston Villa footballer Gabriel Agbonlahor has been accused of harassing the mother of one of his children by posting ‘distressing’ messages on Facebook.
Sophie Smith allegedly used a pseudonym to send Elizabeth Wheeler a 'considerable number' of 'distressing' messages via the social networking site between November 2008 and May this year, a court has heard.
Laws help protect online harassers - 07/18/12
http://www.sfgate.com/technology/dotcom mentary/article/Why-nude-images-online-a re-tough-to-take-down-3714726.php
In the summer of 2009, Carla Franklin landed on a Facebook page created under her name. She was shocked to see her own image staring back, a swimsuit photo from her earlier days as a model.
The Dogged Digital Detective Work That Busted An Online Harasser - 07/18/12
http://www.forbes.com/sites/kashmi rhill/2012/07/18/the-dogged-digital-dete ctive-work-that-busted-an-online-harasse r/
One night in June 2010, six men went to a woman’s home in Maine and tapped on the glass of her windows as they had been instructed to do on Facebook.
Tweets out for the lads - 07/18/12
http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ws/4435276/FA-warning-to-football-stars-o ver-Twitter-abuse.html
SOCCER stars have been warned they may face playing bans or fines for their remarks on Twitter and other social networks. All Premier and Football League players, managers and club officials have been sent FA letters warning against racist or offensive posts.
Online dating: Cyber talking or Cyber-Stalking – Learn the Difference - 07/17/12
http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news/r elationships/2012/07/17/4226.html
Dating websites and lonely singles are ‘made for each other’ kind of stuff as without one the other is useless. The weird world of wires (internet), offer ample of platforms and innumerable opportunities as perfect solutions to this hackneyed loneliness.
Police in Staffordshire, England, said they will strap cameras to the heads of police dogs to help gather evidence during busts.
Staffordshire police said 20 police canines with their dog support unit will be outfitted with FidoCam technology during the next 12 months to give officers a dog's-eye-view in situations including drug busts and foot chases, The Daily Telegraph reported Thursday.
"This bit of kit is fantastic -- it attaches to the dog's head and we can get a live view of what they are seeing," Inspector Chris Dawson said.
"There are many situations when this technology will be beneficial to our officers. If we are searching for a dangerous person we can send the dog into a building with the camera to search for them and then when they indicate a find by barking, we will be able to see exactly what or who they have found.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
Police call in FBI to track 'hitman scam' - 07/23/12
Australian police are calling in the FBI to track down the "hitman" scammers responsible for sending thousands of text messages containing death threats.
Spat out of hell: Rock star Meat Loaf sues pub tribute singer for £64,000 damages in a row over his website - 07/23/12
A pub tribute singer is being sued by the Bat Out of Hell star Meat Loaf for £64,000 claiming he's an 'online imposter'. Dean Torkington, 50, from Burnley, Lancashire, has received a $100,000 writ (£64,000) from the US rocker, which accuses him of being a 'cybersquatter and online imposter'. The legal action, launched in Los Angeles, California, centres on Mr Torkington’s website www.meatloaf.org.
Nurse faces sack for Facebook hospital protest - 07/22/12
Bernadette Green, who has worked at Biggleswade Hospital in Bedfordshire for 12 years, used the social networking site to claim managers were not being completely honest about the plans, and were stopping new patients from being admitted despite there being empty beds.
Kentucky teen faces charge for naming attackers - 07/21/12
A 17-year-old Kentucky girl who was upset by the plea deal reached by a pair of teenagers who sexually assaulted her is now facing a contempt charge for tweeting their names in violation of a court order.
BCSO Pulls the Plug on Cyber Bullying - 07/20/12
Cyber bullying is at the center of conversation in our community this week after four teens are charged in connection with a Facebook Page. Experts say cyber bullying will have lasting impact, especially among teens, as online and social media bullying opens the conversation not only to peers, but to the whole world.
Right or Wrong? Cyber-bullying - 07/20/12
A friend of mine has been receiving emails from her pastor, and I think he's a cyber-bully. What legal guidelines define cyber-bullying, even if a minister does the emailing?
Man Accused of Threatening to Kill Danny, Colleen Wegman - 07/19/12
A federal grand jury has indicted a New Jersey man who allegedly threatened to kill Wegmans Food Markets President Colleen Wegman and Chief Executive Officer Danny Wegman.
Federal authorities allege that Hans Ni, 31, of Trenton, NJ, sent email threats to the Wegmans from a New Jersey library. He is charged with transmitting interstate threats.
Maine Man Charged with Sextortion - 07/19/12
The complaint accuses John Bryan Villegas, 21, of Kittery, of sending email threats to publish on the Internet and distribute to the victim's neighbors, work and acquaintances.
'Don't mess with our food': Burger King worker who posted pictures of himself standing in bins of lettuce hunted down by vigilante website users and fired - 07/19/12
We're used to hearing stories of how fast news can travel on the internet. But rarely do we see how effective it can be at tracking down suspects who would otherwise remain anonymous. When a Burger King employee posted pictures of himself stepping in bins of lettuce, offended fast-food lovers took a mere 15 minutes to expose him.
Newest U.S. Counterterrorism Strategy: Trolling - 07/18/12
In the decade since 9/11, the U.S. government has used a wide variety of tactics against terrorists. It’s invaded countries where they operated (and ones where they didn’t). It’s tried to win the backing of foreign populations in which the terrorists hide. And it’s sent commandos and deadly flying robots to kill them one by one.
Eight-months pregnant childhood sweetheart of Aston Villa star Agbonlahor 'harassed' mother of one of his children on Facebook - 07/18/12
A pregnant ex-girlfriend of Aston Villa footballer Gabriel Agbonlahor has been accused of harassing the mother of one of his children by posting ‘distressing’ messages on Facebook.
Sophie Smith allegedly used a pseudonym to send Elizabeth Wheeler a 'considerable number' of 'distressing' messages via the social networking site between November 2008 and May this year, a court has heard.
Laws help protect online harassers - 07/18/12
In the summer of 2009, Carla Franklin landed on a Facebook page created under her name. She was shocked to see her own image staring back, a swimsuit photo from her earlier days as a model.
The Dogged Digital Detective Work That Busted An Online Harasser - 07/18/12
One night in June 2010, six men went to a woman’s home in Maine and tapped on the glass of her windows as they had been instructed to do on Facebook.
Tweets out for the lads - 07/18/12
SOCCER stars have been warned they may face playing bans or fines for their remarks on Twitter and other social networks. All Premier and Football League players, managers and club officials have been sent FA letters warning against racist or offensive posts.
Online dating: Cyber talking or Cyber-Stalking – Learn the Difference - 07/17/12
Dating websites and lonely singles are ‘made for each other’ kind of stuff as without one the other is useless. The weird world of wires (internet), offer ample of platforms and innumerable opportunities as perfect solutions to this hackneyed loneliness.