Londonderry Middle School Talks

Phoebe and I left the house around 3 pm to go to Londonderry Middle School (in New Hampshire) for their "More Than Words" conference for parents and 7th grade students. When we got there, I set up my laptop, then Phoebe and I roamed the halls, letting students and parents pet Phoebe and just being sociable. Everyone stopped to say hello to her. When asked, I told them she was the Cyber Crime Dog and one man asked if she sniffed out Spam. I laughed and said she'd eat it! I guess what she does is sniff out cyberbullies! Maybe that should be her tag line!

We ended up doing two talks - about 10 parents and students in each, which wasn't a lot, but better than none. Phoebe roo-rooed on command for a biscuit (she's good at doing "inside voice" now) and I let some of the kids give her a biscuit! She was really good for both talks, but by the end of the second one, you could hear her whining (quietly). We all laughed at that.

One girl loved her so much, she had her mom buy one of my books so that she could get a "pawtograph" from Phoebe - I included a copy of The American Dog Magazine Phoebe is in as part of the sale.

Got great comments from the parents and school staff and now we're booked at two more schools in December where I can bring Phoebe!


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