WHO@ Newsletter - July 6, 2009
I couldn't make this up if I tried. . .Orange you glad I posted this?
Not one, but two rare orange lobsters surface
http://www.seacoastonline.com/artic les/20090705-NEWS-907050315
They might not be red, white and blue, but two orange crustaceans at a Route 1 lobster pound are causing a stir this Fourth of July weekend.
Jeremy Mirick, co-owner of the pound at the York Fitness Center, has two orange lobsters in the tank.
The female, which earned the moniker "Orangina" when it came in on Friday, June 26, and the male, which arrived the next day and is unnamed, look as though they just emerged from a steamer pot. But they're definitely alive and kicking.
Mirick intends to keep them that way. They're not for sale among the 400 pounds of greenish-brown lobsters Mirick expects to sell this holiday weekend.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
New York mom accused of using Internet and sex to retaliate against 9-year-old girl - 07/06/09
http://www.counton2.com/cbd/news/nation al/article/new_york_mom_accused_of_using _internet_and_sex_to_retaliate_against_9-y ear-/41135/
Can a mother’s love go too far?
It did in the case of 40 year old Margery Tannenbaum, according to Suffolk county prosecutors.
The licensed clinical social worker from Hauppauge is facing upgraded criminal charges in a case Suffolk’s district attorney has called “strange and disturbing.“
Son tries to sell sexy photos of mum on Internet after row - 07/06/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/afp/2009 0706/tc_afp/nzealandinternetoffbeat
A New Zealand teenager tried to sell some sexy photographs of his mother on an Internet auction site after the pair had an argument, a newspaper there reported.
Twitter Travails: Pranks and Deleted Account Errors - 07/06/09
http://www.pcworld.com/article/167889/t witter_travails_pranks_and_deleted_accou nt_errors.html
Twitter's "Trending Topics" is a popular feature that allows you to see what are the most popular subjects being discussed on Twitter in real time. Yesterday, amid popular tweets about Wimbledon, Steve McNair, and Harry Potter, one thing seemed to be on everybody's mind: gorilla penis. (Click on the screen cap below to enlarge the image.) Highlighting another crack in Twitter security, hackers flooded onto Twitter yesterday to create fake accounts and drive global discussions toward primate anatomy.
Dismissal In MySpace Suicide Case Could Spark New Cyberbullying Crackdown - 07/05/09
http://www.mediapost.com/publicatio ns/?fa=Articles.showArticle&art_aid=109153
A federal judge's recent decision to dismiss charges against Lori Drew in the "MySpace suicide" case is already fueling an attempt to enact a new federal cyberbullying law.
MI6 chief blows his cover as wife's Facebook account reveals family holidays, showbiz friends and links to David Irving - 07/05/09
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/arti cle-1197562/MI6-chief-blows-cover-wifes-F acebook-account-reveals-family-holidays-s howbiz-friends-links-David-Irving.html
The new head of MI6 has been left exposed by a major personal security breach after his wife published intimate photographs and family details on the Facebook website.
Tories’ Andrew Lansley walks into Labour’s internet trap ... with a little help from a glamorous woman - 07/05/09
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/arti cle-1197555/Tories-Andrew-Lansley-walks-L abours-internet-trap---little-help-glamo rous-woman.html
It had all the hallmarks of a political sting: an attractive young writer with secret links to Labour interviews a Tory frontbencher and produces a ‘scandal’ gleefully fed to the media by ex-Downing Street Press chief Alastair Campbell.
Stranded passengers form Facebook army to make easyJet pay up for delays - 07/04/09
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/arti cle-1197522/Stranded-passengers-form-Fac ebook-army-make-easyJet-pay-delays.html
Holidaymakers are using Facebook to launch a ‘class action’ lawsuit against easyJet after their flight was delayed for 31 hours. More than 100 passengers were stranded at Corfu airport on June 21 when their 11.45am return flight to Gatwick failed to get off the ground because of a technical fault. A replacement plane finally took off at 6.30pm the following day.
E-mails possibly used to threaten Sanford, lover - 07/03/09
http://www.miamiherald.com/news/na tion/story/1125495.html
An alleged e-mail threat to South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and his Argentine lover adds to the mystery of who hacked into her Hotmail account and pirated the couple's love notes.
Bully websites taken off the net - 07/03/09
http://www.andoveradvertiser.co.uk/n ews/4474530.Bully_websites_taken_off_the _net/
POLICE are trying to restore calm to Ludgershall after two rival websites – which had traded potentially defamatory insults over the Internet – were forced to close amid flaring tempers.
'Fantasy world' of hotel killer - 07/03/09
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wale s/8132143.stm
Glenn Rycroft, a conman jailed for life for murdering his lover, is described by police as a "fantasist and a cowardly killer". Rycroft, 33, has been told he will serve at least 25 years for the "pre-meditated" murder of Gareth Macdonald in a Travelodge hotel room near Heathrow airport, London.
'They let terrorists stay but send my boy - who's too timid to use the Tube - to a terrible U.S. jail' - 07/03/09
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/arti cle-1197190/They-let-terrorists-stay-sen d-boy--whos-timid-use-Tube--terrible-U-S-j ail.html
Let's get one thing straight. No one encountering Gary McKinnon for the first time is going to think: 'Oooh, here's an evil terrorist.'
The 43-year-old computer geek I met at his parents' Hertfordshire home is the kind of pale, dreamy eccentric who would struggle to pose a threat to his own kettle. Yet, unbelievably, Gary faces extradition to the U.S. after he admitted hacking into Pentagon and Nasa computers while trying to find evidence about UFOs.
Police told to use Wikipedia for court preparation - 07/03/09
http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/0 7/03/wikipedia_police/
The Crown Prosecution Service is telling police officers to use Wikipedia to prepare for court cases.
Mike Finn, an expert witness on martial arts and weapons, told the Police Review he was involved in a case in the Midlands and asked to prepare a report on a weapon.
Court: MySpace not liable for offline assaults - 07/02/09
http://news.cnet.com/8301-13577_3-10278 001-36.html
Social-networking sites and other Web services can't be held liable in a sexual assault on a minor that stemmed from a meeting online, according to a ruling in a California appeals court that consolidated a number of complaints against MySpace on behalf of teenage girls and their parents.
Sites that help you lodge complaints - 07/02/09
http://news.cnet.com/8301-17939_109-102 78209-2.html
Whether you want to target politicians, your employers, or companies that have done you wrong, there are a variety of sites across the Web that will help you voice your complaints. But beware that not all of them will actually solve those problems.
Arrest in nude "sexting" photos of Arlington teen - 07/02/09
http://www.enterprisenewspapers.com/art icle/20090702/NEWS01/707029898/0/ETPZONE LT
It may be Arlington's first investigation into a case of "sexting."
For the technically illiterate, that's the use of cell phones and text messages to carry on an amorous affair, Arlington police spokeswoman Kristin Banfield said.
GBI: Open This E-Mail, Go Directly to Jail (Possibly) - 07/02/09
http://www.11alive.com/news/local/s tory.aspx?storyid=132021&catid=40
An e-mail is spreading fast that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's High Technology Unit says could put you in prison if you open it and look at what's inside.
Legal challenge to web child abuse inquiry - 07/02/09
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2009/jul/0 2/web-child-abuse-inquiry-challenge
One of Britain's biggest online paedophile inquiries is to be challenged in the court of appeal amid allegations from campaigners that hundreds of men have been wrongly convicted in a mass miscarriage of justice.
Web retailers, states tussle over tax rules - 07/02/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/ap/2009 0703/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_online_sales_tax es
In a big break for online shoppers, Web retailers generally don't have to charge sales taxes in states where they lack a store or some other physical presence.
DOJ Officially Opens Investigation Into Google Book Search - 07/02/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/2009 0702/tc_pcworld/dojofficiallyopensinvest igationintogooglebooksearch
The U.S. Department of Justice confirmed on Thursday that it is investigating a settlement involving Google Book Search for possible antitrust violations, following months of speculation that the agency had its eye on the service.
Microsoft Removes Projectile-vomiting IE8 Ad From Web - 07/02/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/2009 0702/tc_pcworld/microsoftremovesprojecti levomitingie8adfromweb
An online ad for Internet Explorer 8 that showed a woman projectile vomiting has left such a bad taste in viewers' mouths that Microsoft has decided to remove it.
Gamer steals from virtual world to pay real debts - 07/02/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/nm/2009 0702/wr_nm/us_gaming_theft_tech_life
Facing real world debts, a trusted figure in a popular online game stole money from the virtual bank he ran and exchanged it for cash through the black market.
Couple Gets Prison Time for Internet Obscenity - 07/02/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/2009 0702/tc_pcworld/couplegetsprisontimefori nternetobscenity
Husband and wife owners of a California company that distributed pornographic materials over the Internet have been each sentenced to one year and one day in prison, the U.S. Department of Justice announced.
Court Orders Spammers to Pay $3.7 Million - 07/02/09
http://tech.yahoo.com/news/pcworld/2009 0702/tc_pcworld/courtordersspammerstopay 37million
A U.S. district court has ordered members of an alleged international spam ring to give up US$3.7 million that they made while sending out illegal e-mail messages pitching bogus weight-loss products and human growth hormone pills.
Celebrity Deaths Drive Spam, with Jackson Pervasive - 07/02/09
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nf/20090702/bs_ nf/67509
With recent celebrity deaths, spammers are shifting strategies in hopes of cashing in on the misfortunes of others. Although several celebrities have passed away in the last few weeks, pop star Michael Jackson's death is driving the greatest spam volume.
MySpace now a “digital ghetto” - 07/02/09
http://www.inquisitr.com/27998/mys pace-now-a-digital-ghetto/
Abandon your MySpace account for Facebook? You might just be a racist.
At a keynote speech during New York’s Democracy forum at Lincoln Center, Danah Boyd spoke of the racial disparity and possible reasons for mass abandonment of MySpace for the “more cultured” and “less cheesy” social networking site Facebook. Boyd, a social media researcher for Microsoft and fellow of the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society, stated:
New cyberstalking law in New Mexico - 07/02/09
http://www.newschannel10.com/Global/sto ry.asp?S=10639228
Authorities in New Mexico applaud the state legislature for taking action quickly to expand stalking laws.
Several laws went into effect July 1st in New Mexico, including one that broadens the language in the current stalking law to include cyberstalking.
CEO gives board members a pornographic surprise - 07/01/09
The CEO of a municipal housing company in Dalarna in central Sweden has been reprimanded after pornographic pictures popped up during a recent presentation to the company’s board.
Father arrested for using website to name and shame 'bullies' he claims attacked his son - 07/01/09
http://www.mailonsunday.co.uk/news/arti cle-1196242/Father-arrested-shame-child-b ully-website-claiming-son-attacked.html
A father has been arrested after he allegedly used a website to ‘name and shame’ 15 village children he claimed were bullies following an apparent attack on his son.
Cox Communications’ Customers Get Warning of Phishing E-mail Scam - 06/30/09
http://www.spamfighter.com/News-12644-C ox-Communications-Customers-Get-Warning-o f-Phishing-E-mail-Scam.htm
Cox Communications (Atlanta USA) has asked its customers in Arizona to be careful of a fake e-mail that deceives customers into giving away their personal information.
Not one, but two rare orange lobsters surface
They might not be red, white and blue, but two orange crustaceans at a Route 1 lobster pound are causing a stir this Fourth of July weekend.
Jeremy Mirick, co-owner of the pound at the York Fitness Center, has two orange lobsters in the tank.
The female, which earned the moniker "Orangina" when it came in on Friday, June 26, and the male, which arrived the next day and is unnamed, look as though they just emerged from a steamer pot. But they're definitely alive and kicking.
Mirick intends to keep them that way. They're not for sale among the 400 pounds of greenish-brown lobsters Mirick expects to sell this holiday weekend.
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Visit WHOA on the web at http://www.haltabuse.org
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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)
New York mom accused of using Internet and sex to retaliate against 9-year-old girl - 07/06/09
Can a mother’s love go too far?
It did in the case of 40 year old Margery Tannenbaum, according to Suffolk county prosecutors.
The licensed clinical social worker from Hauppauge is facing upgraded criminal charges in a case Suffolk’s district attorney has called “strange and disturbing.“
Son tries to sell sexy photos of mum on Internet after row - 07/06/09
A New Zealand teenager tried to sell some sexy photographs of his mother on an Internet auction site after the pair had an argument, a newspaper there reported.
Twitter Travails: Pranks and Deleted Account Errors - 07/06/09
Twitter's "Trending Topics" is a popular feature that allows you to see what are the most popular subjects being discussed on Twitter in real time. Yesterday, amid popular tweets about Wimbledon, Steve McNair, and Harry Potter, one thing seemed to be on everybody's mind: gorilla penis. (Click on the screen cap below to enlarge the image.) Highlighting another crack in Twitter security, hackers flooded onto Twitter yesterday to create fake accounts and drive global discussions toward primate anatomy.
Dismissal In MySpace Suicide Case Could Spark New Cyberbullying Crackdown - 07/05/09
A federal judge's recent decision to dismiss charges against Lori Drew in the "MySpace suicide" case is already fueling an attempt to enact a new federal cyberbullying law.
MI6 chief blows his cover as wife's Facebook account reveals family holidays, showbiz friends and links to David Irving - 07/05/09
The new head of MI6 has been left exposed by a major personal security breach after his wife published intimate photographs and family details on the Facebook website.
Tories’ Andrew Lansley walks into Labour’s internet trap ... with a little help from a glamorous woman - 07/05/09
It had all the hallmarks of a political sting: an attractive young writer with secret links to Labour interviews a Tory frontbencher and produces a ‘scandal’ gleefully fed to the media by ex-Downing Street Press chief Alastair Campbell.
Stranded passengers form Facebook army to make easyJet pay up for delays - 07/04/09
Holidaymakers are using Facebook to launch a ‘class action’ lawsuit against easyJet after their flight was delayed for 31 hours. More than 100 passengers were stranded at Corfu airport on June 21 when their 11.45am return flight to Gatwick failed to get off the ground because of a technical fault. A replacement plane finally took off at 6.30pm the following day.
E-mails possibly used to threaten Sanford, lover - 07/03/09
An alleged e-mail threat to South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford and his Argentine lover adds to the mystery of who hacked into her Hotmail account and pirated the couple's love notes.
Bully websites taken off the net - 07/03/09
POLICE are trying to restore calm to Ludgershall after two rival websites – which had traded potentially defamatory insults over the Internet – were forced to close amid flaring tempers.
'Fantasy world' of hotel killer - 07/03/09
Glenn Rycroft, a conman jailed for life for murdering his lover, is described by police as a "fantasist and a cowardly killer". Rycroft, 33, has been told he will serve at least 25 years for the "pre-meditated" murder of Gareth Macdonald in a Travelodge hotel room near Heathrow airport, London.
'They let terrorists stay but send my boy - who's too timid to use the Tube - to a terrible U.S. jail' - 07/03/09
Let's get one thing straight. No one encountering Gary McKinnon for the first time is going to think: 'Oooh, here's an evil terrorist.'
The 43-year-old computer geek I met at his parents' Hertfordshire home is the kind of pale, dreamy eccentric who would struggle to pose a threat to his own kettle. Yet, unbelievably, Gary faces extradition to the U.S. after he admitted hacking into Pentagon and Nasa computers while trying to find evidence about UFOs.
Police told to use Wikipedia for court preparation - 07/03/09
The Crown Prosecution Service is telling police officers to use Wikipedia to prepare for court cases.
Mike Finn, an expert witness on martial arts and weapons, told the Police Review he was involved in a case in the Midlands and asked to prepare a report on a weapon.
Court: MySpace not liable for offline assaults - 07/02/09
Social-networking sites and other Web services can't be held liable in a sexual assault on a minor that stemmed from a meeting online, according to a ruling in a California appeals court that consolidated a number of complaints against MySpace on behalf of teenage girls and their parents.
Sites that help you lodge complaints - 07/02/09
Whether you want to target politicians, your employers, or companies that have done you wrong, there are a variety of sites across the Web that will help you voice your complaints. But beware that not all of them will actually solve those problems.
Arrest in nude "sexting" photos of Arlington teen - 07/02/09
It may be Arlington's first investigation into a case of "sexting."
For the technically illiterate, that's the use of cell phones and text messages to carry on an amorous affair, Arlington police spokeswoman Kristin Banfield said.
GBI: Open This E-Mail, Go Directly to Jail (Possibly) - 07/02/09
An e-mail is spreading fast that the Georgia Bureau of Investigation's High Technology Unit says could put you in prison if you open it and look at what's inside.
Legal challenge to web child abuse inquiry - 07/02/09
One of Britain's biggest online paedophile inquiries is to be challenged in the court of appeal amid allegations from campaigners that hundreds of men have been wrongly convicted in a mass miscarriage of justice.
Web retailers, states tussle over tax rules - 07/02/09
In a big break for online shoppers, Web retailers generally don't have to charge sales taxes in states where they lack a store or some other physical presence.
DOJ Officially Opens Investigation Into Google Book Search - 07/02/09
The U.S. Department of Justice confirmed on Thursday that it is investigating a settlement involving Google Book Search for possible antitrust violations, following months of speculation that the agency had its eye on the service.
Microsoft Removes Projectile-vomiting IE8 Ad From Web - 07/02/09
An online ad for Internet Explorer 8 that showed a woman projectile vomiting has left such a bad taste in viewers' mouths that Microsoft has decided to remove it.
Gamer steals from virtual world to pay real debts - 07/02/09
Facing real world debts, a trusted figure in a popular online game stole money from the virtual bank he ran and exchanged it for cash through the black market.
Couple Gets Prison Time for Internet Obscenity - 07/02/09
Husband and wife owners of a California company that distributed pornographic materials over the Internet have been each sentenced to one year and one day in prison, the U.S. Department of Justice announced.
Court Orders Spammers to Pay $3.7 Million - 07/02/09
A U.S. district court has ordered members of an alleged international spam ring to give up US$3.7 million that they made while sending out illegal e-mail messages pitching bogus weight-loss products and human growth hormone pills.
Celebrity Deaths Drive Spam, with Jackson Pervasive - 07/02/09
With recent celebrity deaths, spammers are shifting strategies in hopes of cashing in on the misfortunes of others. Although several celebrities have passed away in the last few weeks, pop star Michael Jackson's death is driving the greatest spam volume.
MySpace now a “digital ghetto” - 07/02/09
Abandon your MySpace account for Facebook? You might just be a racist.
At a keynote speech during New York’s Democracy forum at Lincoln Center, Danah Boyd spoke of the racial disparity and possible reasons for mass abandonment of MySpace for the “more cultured” and “less cheesy” social networking site Facebook. Boyd, a social media researcher for Microsoft and fellow of the Harvard University Berkman Center for Internet and Society, stated:
New cyberstalking law in New Mexico - 07/02/09
Authorities in New Mexico applaud the state legislature for taking action quickly to expand stalking laws.
Several laws went into effect July 1st in New Mexico, including one that broadens the language in the current stalking law to include cyberstalking.
CEO gives board members a pornographic surprise - 07/01/09
The CEO of a municipal housing company in Dalarna in central Sweden has been reprimanded after pornographic pictures popped up during a recent presentation to the company’s board.
Father arrested for using website to name and shame 'bullies' he claims attacked his son - 07/01/09
A father has been arrested after he allegedly used a website to ‘name and shame’ 15 village children he claimed were bullies following an apparent attack on his son.
Cox Communications’ Customers Get Warning of Phishing E-mail Scam - 06/30/09
Cox Communications (Atlanta USA) has asked its customers in Arizona to be careful of a fake e-mail that deceives customers into giving away their personal information.