2nd Day In San Francisco - MAAWG Conference

My second day was productive - networked at breakfast, caught up on email, then networked again at lunch. Then I was a lazy bear and took a nap after lunch to make up for being out so late the night before. I'm gonna be so tired when I get home Friday night.

I attended one of the panels in the afternoon called "Real Lusers!" which showed results of a survey of consumers and their knowledge of spam, viruses, etc. It was interesting and a short video at the end where real people were asked questions like "What is a botnet?" and "Who do you think is responsible for sending spam to you?" were really funny.

Waited for the bus to take us to the MAAWG social night at E & O Trading Company, a "southeast asian grill." I met one of my good friends, Cass, there. She was my pseudo-spouse/date. We hung out with a couple of other women from the conference, Gretchen and Kathie, then picked up another, Mary, along the way. Cass and I had red wine, the others beer and martinis and we noshed on the appetizers being offered by the waiters. Corn fritters, steak and shrimp on a stick, portobello mushrooms on a stick and more. After chatting for a bit, we went upstairs for "Casino night" where we had tickets for $1,000 in chips to play whatever casino games we wanted. Whoever had the most chips at the end of the night would win prizes. Cass, Mary and I went to the blackjack table (the only game I feel comfortable playing) and got a guy named Gil as the dealer. He was a riot!

It was great seeing Cass. I hadn't seen her since our reception in August and she looked great and we caught up on a lot things.

We stayed at that table all night, with Gil alternating with another dealer, Arlene. I didn't do too bad and learned a lot about blackjack along the way.

At around 9-930, Cass and I left. She only lives a few blocks from the restaurant, so she was walking home. We hugged and I got on the bus for the hotel. There were only three of us on this huge bus, LOL.

Got to the hotel, went up to my room, changed into my jammies, called Chris, then crashed. About 4 in the morning, a car's alarm went off and didn't shut off by the time I went downstairs to the fitness center at 630 am.

I don't miss living in a city. I love San Francisco, but you couldn't pay me to move here. It's fun to visit!

Today I'm the closing keynote, then I'm doing a panel with Gretchen to close the conference. I hope to do a touristy thing this morning - a double decker bus ride before I have to get in my "speaking clothes" and get to work.


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