Net Crimes Newsletter - 10/15/07

I couldn't make this up if I tried. . .Hamburger, hamburger, no Coke, Pepsi!

Pepsi, Coke rivalry becomes physical;_ylt=AuAtQ3ZcgYiqjPs_zNxTPFLtiBIF
The long-standing rivalry between Coke and Pepsi took a physical turn Friday when a Pepsi deliveryman allegedly punched his Coke counterpart in the face at a western Pennsylvania Wal-Mart, state police said.

The two deliverymen were "apparently bickering back and forth" while unloading their wares at the Indiana County store, police said. When the Coke deliveryman left the store, his counterpart allegedly punched him in the face three times, breaking his nose and giving him a black eye, police said.

No charges have been filed, but police characterized the incident as a misdemeanor simple assault.

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(DISCLAIMER: The following news items were found on the web and were not written or endorsed by WHO@; they are for informational purposes only)

E-mail threat to blow up NSE, BSE buildings - 10/15/07
An anonymous e-mail threatening to blow up the Bombay and National Stock Exchanges was received on Monday, prompting the police to step up security at the key buildings here.

Could businesses lose face over Facebook? - 10/15/07
Social networking sites like Facebook have exploded in use in Ireland recently, but IT experts are warning of privacy concerns.

Online thieves looting nest eggs - 10/15/07
Employees at a small company in the San Fernando Valley thought their retirement funds were safely secured by a brokerage that managed the money.

Latest Internet crime hits home - 10/14/07
The man told Millcreek Township police he had a shotgun, and that one person was already dead inside a Montpelier Avenue home.

Cyber threat to personal details - 10/14/07
COMPUTER hackers have cracked the defences of dozens of top government and business sector internet sites this year, raising concerns about the safety of consumers' financial and personal information.

Web site offers virtual sex, drugs - 10/12/07
Police are concerned about a Web site being set up in B.C. that combines Facebook-like social interaction with virtual drug deals and naked characters having sex.

China censors ratchet up Web monitoring - 10/12/07;_ylt=AjeobrAd8IyjohOxaSG5uqX6VbIF
At first, Liu Xiaoyuan just fumed when his online journal postings disappeared with no explanation. Then he decided to do something few if any of China's censored bloggers had tried. He sued his service provider.

Birthday boy's father and brother battered by YouTube party gatecrashers - 10/12/07
A mob of young thugs took gatecrashing to a sickening new level when they battered the father and brother of a boy holding his 16th birthday party.

Police trace Internet threat to ex-Saline student - 10/12/07
A former Saline schools student was in protective custody this morning after he posted messages on the Internet threatening an attack on schools, police said.

Stalking not all for Facebookers - 10/11/07
One-hundred-and-thirty-one percent of University of Wisconsin students have an account on Facebook. At least, this is the number that comes up by dividing those on the UW-Madison Facebook network (54,355) by the number of students currently enrolled at the university (41,466).

Nigerian puppy scam Web of deceit - 10/11/07
Stephanie Wegman wanted a puppy, and thought she had found a bargain on the Internet. The senior at Santa Clara University in California exchanged e-mails with James Moore, who was offering his puppy free to a good home because he was a missionary recently assigned to Africa.

Nigeria goes after scammers - 10/11/07
Some people are gullible. Some are greedy. Some are stupid. That's how Ibrahim Lamorde explains why so many have fallen for e-mail financial scams that have originated from his home country of Nigeria over the years.

Man arrested after online threats aimed at Mt. San Jacinto College - 10/10/07
An expelled student from Mt. San Jacinto College who calls himself "Beast" has been arrested after posting a threat on a television network Web site, college officials said.

Man to serve 2 1/2 years in Web kidnap plot - 10/10/07,0,3331961.story?coll=stam-news-local-headlines
The former manager of a $95 million hedge fund will spend 2 1/2 years in prison after pleading guilty yesterday to recruiting strangers to rape and kidnap his ex-mistress.

Police: Man Terrorizes Ex-Girlfriend, Grandparents - 10/10/07
A man was arraigned after police said he terrorized and stalked an elderly couple in their Detroit home on Hubbell Street after their granddaughter and the man broke up.

FTC Stops International Spamming Enterprise that Sold Bogus Hoodia and Human Growth Hormone Pills - 10/10/07
Spammers must stop sending unwanted and illegal e-mail messages about hoodia weight-loss products and human growth hormone anti-aging products that the Federal Trade Commission alleges don’t work. At the FTC’s request, a district court judge ordered a halt to the e-mails and to product claims that the FTC charges are false and unsubstantiated. The law enforcement action, announced today at an international meeting of government authorities and private industry about spam, spyware, and other online threats, is the first brought by the agency using the U.S. SAFE WEB Act to share information with foreign partners.

Suspended Sentence for Threatening Agos Newspaper - 10/10/07
A penal court in Sisli, central Istanbul, has punished 19-year old Ridvan Dogan, who sent a threatening email to the Agos newspaper after the murder of its editor Hrant Dink, with a two-year suspended sentence.

Auction of lock of Che's hair provokes threats - 10/09/07
The Texas auction house that's preparing to sell Ernesto ''Che'' Guevara memorabilia is getting threatening calls from Che supporters.

Miss England in MySpace fake profile storm - 10/09/07;jsessionid=MZVK4JJOUUFZRQFIQMGCFGGAVCBQUIV0?xml=/news/2007/10/08/nmyspace108.xml
Miss England is on a quest to reclaim her identity after an imposter on the social networking site MySpace made her out to be a "thick" and "tarty" dipsomaniac.


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