Norwell, MA; Online Dating; CNN; More

Sunday afternoon the dogs and I headed to Norwell, MA, which turned out to be a two hour drive due to traffic. The library is very nice and in a beautiful wooded area, which was good, since I had to leave Bandit and Guin in the car.

Lugged my books inside, met fellow authors, Margaret Press and Paul E. Doyle. She wrote a book about a murder that took place in Salem, MA, her hometown, A Scream On The Water and he wrote about his undercover experiences as a DEA Agent in Hot Shots and Heavy Hits. His book may be made into a TV series.

I got signed books from both and gave them signed copies of mine. Such a deal!

We had a good crowd, about 30-40 people. Margaret started off by introducing all of us, then we each talked about how we got into writing and what motivated us to write our latest books. Then it was Q&A time. Two hours went by very quickly!

I sold 10 books, which was great and the library bought one as well and paid us each $100 for coming down. I was surprised at that. Most libraries don't pay. They also had me take some of the desserts home with me.

Bandit and Guin were very good, so on the way home I drove through Burger King and got them cheeseburgers for dinner. They were happy. Trust me.

Monday ran around doing errands, then went over to V2s for her brother's birthday party. It was just four of us, but was fun and relaxing. Went home to watch "24" - it's getting better and better!

Yesterday made phone calls to get the last of Chris' guitars repaired. Talked with a guy in California who gave me the number of someone here in Maine. Still no calls on the Jeep. I'm not desperate to sell it, but it would be nice to sell it. I hate having to alternate between the two vehicles.

Today talked with the music store in Wells, Maine and they can repair both guitars, plus will take the studio equipment Chris had to sell for me in their store or on consignment, as well as the guitars. So more is leaving the house and I can breathe a little easier.

No more grief sponsor. She feels I am more than okay and dealing with everything in a healthy way. As long as I don't let negative influences back in my life, I should be fine. That was a relief.

Today I meet with my lawyer to finalize my own will. It's a little daunting and a realization that you can die anytime when you put together info for a will. Wow.

Next week I fly to Springfield, Illinois to testify for some online dating legislation. I talked about this and Myspace and other things for CNN Radio the other day. As soon as I get the link for that interview, I'll post it.

Tonight is LOST, so don't call me.


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